Reinstatement Process

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Reinstatement Process

Reinstatement Process
Former employees of the Los Santos Police Department that received an honorable discharge or a dishonorable discharge are entitled to request reinstatement to the department. (( This applies to both IC and OOC. ))

Former employees who attempt to file for reinstatement must wait at least 14 days from their initial discharge date. (( If you have been wrongfully banned and are now unbanned - you may submit a reinstatement immediately and do not have to wait 14 days. ))

Former employees whose reinstatement was denied must wait at least 14 days before submitting a new request. (( Officers who were dishonorably discharged for reasons other than discharged for inactivity must submit a reinstatement on another character. ))

(( All reinstatements are in-character (IC) unless stated otherwise (i.e., you were dishonorably discharged for an out-of-character (OOC) reason). Removals for inactivity are done with the IC reasoning of "Absent Without Official Leave". Any provided information that is OOC has to be placed within double parenthesis.

The Los Santos Police Department does not accept requests that are entirely OOC unless otherwise approved prior to the submission of said request. ))

What to expect when reinstating:
  • You may not be reinstated on the same rank. You are not entitled to reinstate into your old position, this is again treated case by case basis and our decision will be based on your performance all around, length of absence, and department vacancies.
  • After a successful reinstatement, If you have been away for longer than 60 days you will have to complete our final session of the Field Training Program before you can assume the position that we're offering you. The final session of the Field Training Program is the evaluative session, which will allow us to see whether you are capable of performing at an officer level. In the event of you failing your evaluative session, you may be put back to Cadet and be forced to undergo the regular Field Training Program.
  • Anyone who was suspended or dishonorably discharged will be required to go through the FTP process and all prior certifications will not be valid. Each reinstatement will be reviewed independently by LSPD Command and High Command.
Reinstatement Form

You may submit your Reinstatement form by CLICKING HERE.

((You need to be register to see and fill the form))
