Los Santos Police Department
LSPD Application
1.1 Name:
First Name: Tate
Last Name: Blackwell
1.2 Gender:
1.3 Age, Date of Birth and Place of Birth:
Age: 24
Date of Birth: 1999-06-17
Place of Birth (City, State/Province, Country): Evansville, IN, US
1.4 Citizenship:
1.5 Contact Details:
Phone Number: 5551967
Residence Address:
Alta Street Apartments
2.1 Employment:
Please list all previous relevant employment. If you have ever been employed by the Los Santos Emergency Medical Services (EMS) or the Los Santos County Sheriffs Office (LSCSO) you must list them down below.
Company Name: LSPD
Position: Chief of Police
Direct Supervisor: N/A
Employment Term: 2021-01-01 to 2023-04-17
Reason for Leaving:
(This is Employment History from a Previous "City". Unsure if this information was supposed to go here or not so apologies if it's in the wrong place.) Department was shut down.
Company Name:
Direct Supervisor:
Employment Term: to
Reason for Leaving:
2.2 Can you speak to others in English proficiently?:
2.3 Can you write to others in English proficiently?:
2.4 List any Los Santos Emergency Services References you may have:
3.1 Do you possess a valid driver's license in the State of San Andreas?
3.2 Do you possess a valid firearm's license?
3.3 Have you ever been issued a citation?
If yes, please explain:
3.4 Have you ever been charged with a misdemeanor?
If yes, please explain:
3.5 Have you ever been arrested and/or convicted of a felony?
If yes, please explain:
4.1 What experiences do you have that could be valuable to the Los Santos Police Department if hired? (50 words minimum):
I was the Chief of Police for a couple of different police departments over the course of the last 2-3 years, performing all of the accompanying duties. I'd like to think that I always did a pretty good job running the departments I did, as there were never any direct complaints towards me, and our department always ran pretty smoothly. I understand that I'm not applying for a position as Chief of Police, however I think the experience I have in that position is valuable, regardless of what position I wind up in here. We regularly worked to take down large scale gang operations, and curb violent crime rates in the cities where I ran these departments. While we obviously weren't able to stop violent crime, or crime in general for that matter, we did significantly reduce it.
4.2 What is your motivation behind wanting to join the Los Santos Police Department? (50 words minimum):
I've always enjoyed being able to help others, and ever since I was a kid, a position in law enforcement has always felt like a sort of calling for me. I feel like I accel in this field, and can do really good work, given the right tools. I'm an advocate for law, order, and justice. I also think it's extremely important to remain fair and transparent to EVERYONE as an officer, and I feel like we aren't seeing enough of that these days. In addition to enjoying helping others, I also strive to make a difference, and truly think I can do that in this field.
5.1 About you:
Name/Nickname: Kaeden
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Country: United States
Timezone: CST
Discord name and ID: kaeden1100
5.2 Have you ever been in the LSPD faction before? (applies to any character):
5.3 List all of your current and past characters:
Tate Blackwell
5.4 List all the factions you are currently a part of (type N/A if none):
5.5 Do you have any administrative punishments on your record?:
If yes, please explain:
5.6 Are you involved, and/or currently play on any other GTA-RP servers?:
5.6.1 If yes to 5.6, are you involved in any factions there?:
If yes, please explain:
5.7 Have you been an officer in any other server? If so, please explain your experience, like past ranks and longevity in those positions.
Yes, as mentioned in the "Past Employment" section of the application, I was the Chief of Police for the LSPD off and on over the course of the last two to three years. As mentioned in my whitelist application, these were all servers I owned, and Chief of Police was always a government position that I preferred. The only time that my position as Chief of Police lapsed would be when the community would shut down. I would always resume that position when we started a new community/rebooted the existing one. I explained this experience in a bit more detail in my IC section, however I'd be more than happy to provide more details in the interview if you'd like.
5.8 Are you allowlisted on Story RP?
I, Tate Blackwell, confirm that this application is all my own work and that all the information within this application is truthful to the best of my knowledge. By signing this waiver, I authorize the Recruitment Officer with the Los Santos Police Department Recruitment Division to obtain any information pertaining to my current and previous employment(s), education, current and past residence(s), personal information and any other information that may be relevant to potential employment with the Los Santos Police Department.
The Los Santos Police Department reserves the right to deny anyone for any reason. We reserve the right to temporarily or permanently ban anyone from applying. If you feel that the recruitment officer acted on bias or predetermined prejudice, you can file an Internal Affairs report.
[LSPD Application] Tate Blackwell
Moderator: LSPD Recruitment
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Sat Sep 30, 2023 9:01 pm
- Discord User Name: kaeden1100