THE STATE OF SAN ANDREAS VS Nathan Moore - To Any PEACE OFFICER In the State of San Andreas: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to arrest this individual if found in the State of San Andreas, and bring him before a Justice of the Peace to answer to the for the charges and incident below.
Defendant Details
Full Name:.. S/N:.. Gender:.. Phone Number:.. Date of Birth:.. Gang Affiliation(s):.. Aliases:..
Nathan Moore
Officers Details
Main Officer Name:.. Main Officer Rank:.. Main Officer Badge Number:.. Main Officer Department:..
Jesse White
Detective 3
Date of the Incident:.. Time of the Incident:.. Location of Incident:..
Mirror Park Gas Station
Incident Report:
459 responded to a Store Robbery call at the Gas Station in Mirror Park, upon arrival 459 wasn't able to see any individuals inside the store. 459 called code 6 on the scene and was able to lift fingerprints from one of the cash registers. As 459 called the scene code 4 multiple rounds from assault rifles came through the Gas Station window towards 459. 459 wasn't able to hold off the suspects as they rushed into the Gas Station and incapacitated 459. While 459 was bleeding on the floor the 2 suspects crouched next to 459 holding Police issued Carbine Rifles, they removed their masks and stated " We are Dean Thompson and Nathan Moore, we hope you remember this. Don't try to follow us". They then carried 459 into their vehicle and transported him to Pillbox, once 459 was attended to by Pillbox Staff he exited the Hospital to try and catch the suspects but they were gone. 459 returned to MRPD to run the fingerprints through forensics, forensics was able to confirm the fingerprint belongs to Dean Thompson.
Positive Identification (Evidence):
459 has had multiple run in's with Nathan Moore in the past, when Nathan removed his mask 459 was able to confirm the identity of Nathan Moore.
Domestic Terrorism, Attempted Murder of a Gov. Employee, Criminal Possession of Police Equipment and Robbery
I Jesse White, sworn peace officer, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of San Andreas that the information provided is true and correct.
Domestic Terrorism charge dropped due to not enough evidence in the provided narrative to show motive or intent that the defendant was coercing the victim in this case to do an act. Terrorism is intended to be for when an person has the intent to coerce ideas, acts, thoughts onto someone that is supported by a group of people.
Possession of Police Equipment, Robbery and Attempted Murder of a Government Employee all meets the minimum burden of proof for a warrant to be approved.