San Andreas Emergency Medical Services
High Command
Medical Director: Oversees all medical operations in the state, issues all medical licenses, sets certification standards.
Assistant Medical Director: Aids the Medical Director in overseeing medical operations and setting certification standards.
EMS Chief: Helps to oversee SAEMS operations. Helps to create and uphold regulations and practice standards.
Callsign: MED followed by a single digit number, i.e. MED-01
Captain: Oversees supervising officers. Helps to form department policies. May run own station.
Lieutenant: Helps to oversee supervising officers.
Callsign: MED followed by double digit numbers i.e. MED-10
Paramedic II: Oversees regular patrol officers, helps to train EMR’s and Cadets. Advanced medical knowledge and experience. Can handle severe and/or life threatening injuries.
Callsign: A(lpha) followed by a three digit number. i.e. A-100
Patrol Officers
Paramedic I: Advanced medical knowledge and experience, helps to train EMR’s and Cadets. Can handle serious injuries.
Callsign: Para followed by a 2 digit number i.e. Para-11
EMT II: Moderate medical knowledge and experience. May help to train other officers. Can handle moderate to serious injuries.
EMT I: Adequate medical knowledge, little to no experience. Can handle moderate injuries.
Callsign: For both EMT I and EMT II Medic followed by a 2 digit number i.e Medic-20.
EMR: Some medical knowledge, little to no experience. Unable to patrol by themselves, can handle basic injuries.
Callsign: EMR followed by a number i.e. EMR-7.
Cadets: Have not passed basic training, must be riding with an EMT II or higher, can treat basic injuries with adequate supervision.
Callsign: Cadet followed by a number i.e. Cadet-5.
All Units: If you are paired with another unit your callsign will be either BLS (if riding with an EMT) or ALS (if riding with a paramedic) followed by the number of whichever Unit is higher ranking. I.e. if David rides with Dr. Watchel their callsign would be ALS-01.
San Andreas EMS Roles/Responsibilities and Callsigns
Moderators: SAMS Assistant Director, SAMS High Command, SAMS Medical Director
- Posts: 29
- Joined: Mon Jan 31, 2022 11:24 pm
- Discord User Name: Ryschnides#4274